3rd APHEN-ICH International Seminar
Diversity and Distinctiveness:
Looking into Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific
Session 1
Keynote Presentation and Session 1:
Asia’s Shared Heritage across Borders-Lacquer

Ki-dong Bae (Keynote speaker) teaches cultural anthropology at Hanyang University. Received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in anthropology and archaeology from the Seoul National University; Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently serving as chairman International Council of Museums for the Asia-Pacific region and vice-chairman of Blue Shield International. He is also the vice-chairman of the cultural division of the Korean National Commission for UNESCO and the head of the Institute of East Asian Archaeology.

Gongho Choi (Moderator) served as the president of the Korean Art History Association, the general director of the Cheongju International Craft Biennale, and an advisory committee member of the Blue House/Ministry of Culture and Tourism/Cultural Heritage Administration. He is currently a professor at the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage Studies at Korea National Univesity of Cultural Heritage.

Jaeho Lee is a researcher at the National Museum of Korea, and his research focuses on Korean paintings. He has published several research papers on Korean painting. From 2013 to 2016, he also worked as a researcher at the National Palace Museum of Korea and the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage. Currently, he is working on his Ph.D. at the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage.

Yuji Yonehara is a Director of the Center for Innovation in Traditional Industries at Kyoto Seika University. Also, he is a Kyoto-based writer and journalist specializing in the field of craft. His publications include Kyoto Shokunin – Takumi no Tenohira “Kyoto Artisans: The Palms of the Masters” and The Emperor Higashiyama’s Enthronement Ceremony in the Edo Period, and Its 1/4 Size Model.

Zaha Ahmed is working in the National Centre for Cultural Heritage and currently heads the Heritage section ensuring the safeguarding of the cultural heritage of the Maldives. She has been involved in the conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Maldives for over 10 years. At present, she is leading the project to inscribe the Coral Stone Mosques of the Maldives on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

Trieu Khanh Tien is a Deputy Dean of the Painting Department at Vietnam University of Fine Arts. He has participated in large international exhibitions in many countries including, Vietnam, Sweden, and Japan. Also, he has participated in various academic symposiums related to lacquer in Asia. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Hanoi University of Fine Arts, a Master’s degree from the Vietnam University of Fine Arts, and a doctoral degree from Tokyo University of the Arts.

Kyaw Swe Nyunt is a history professor at Mandalay University and Myanmar ICH Scholars Organization’s member. He has published many research papers and reports and actively participated in international academic conferences. He received his degrees from Mandalay University. His distinguished publication includes “An Anthropology of Papers on Northern Myanmar” and “Chronology of Kachin State.”