3rd APHEN-ICH International Seminar
Diversity and Distinctiveness:
Looking into Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific
Session 2
Keynote Presentation and Session 2: Diversity and the Unifying Values of ICH – Shared Heritage and Its Safeguarding Efforts

Thi Hien Nguyen (Keynote speaker) is a senior researcher and professor at the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism at the Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies. She served as a member of UNESCO’s evaluation committee from 2012 to 2014 and 2017 to 2020. She received her degree in Russian literature at Oriol University in Russia. She earned her Ph.D. in religious studies from Indiana University. Also, she worked as a pre-postdoctoral fellow at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City from 2002 to 2003 and postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, from 2003 to 2004.

Alicia P. Magos (Moderator) is a socio-cultural anthropologist. She has worked as a professor for more than forty years at the University of Philippines Visayas. She also served as Director of the Center for West Visayan Studies (CWVS). She was also one of the 10 Team Leaders who won in the UNESCO research “Learning from Life” in 1994 and awarded by UNESCO headquarter. Currently, she is working on video and CD projects with two government agencies.

Khatharya Um is a political scientist, Associate Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. She is also a core faculty of the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies and the Global Studies Program at Berkeley and co-founder of the Critical Refugee Studies Collective. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, where she was also the Chancellor’s Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow. Her research and publications center on Southeast Asia and Southeast Asian diaspora, migration, and comparative genocide with a focus on the politics of memory.

Aanchal Mehta is an architect with a Master’s degree in Heritage Management from Ahmedabad University. She has experiences in the conservation and revitalization of built Heritage. Her research is closely associated with the indigenous pastoralist community of Banni grasslands of Kutch for inventorying intangible cultural Heritage. As part of her research and work, she has documented indigenous knowledge systems and examined cross-border intercultural relationships. Moreover, integration of creative and cultural sectors in development strategies of urban areas is the interest of her research as well.

Jyoti Shukla received her Bachelor’s in History from the University of Delhi and a Master’s degree in Heritage Management from Ahmedabad University. As part of her exchange program in Germany, she has worked with refugees. Her research area includes Indian crafts, textiles, Heritage management, and ICH integration in school education

Teena Dhabale received her Bachelor’s in Architecture from Ideas Institute of Design Education and Architecture Studies and Master’s degree in Heritage Management from Ahmedabad University. As a professional architect and Heritage enthusiast, she is interested in India’s vernacular architecture, traditional art, and craft. Her research works are closely associated with the interests mentioned above.

Bobby dG. Lopez is a graduate student at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. His research interest and publications primarily focus on Philippine’s history, culture, society, and gender. He advocates for the use of the national language and indigenization of discourses in social sciences, promotion of gender equity and equality, and protection of the natural environment. Besides his research, he has engaged in writing historical/cultural books and helped local communities to become more self-reliant.

Bang Ul Kim received his Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Heritage Management from the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage and his Ph.D. in Buddhist Literature from the Academy of Korean Studies. He previously worked as a researcher at the Jangseogak, National Historical Data Center. Currently, he is working at the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage’s Institute of Korea Philosophy to develop a digital archive for “Morality Dispute” (심설논쟁) of Joseon dynasty.

Xiao Fang is Head of the Department of Anthropology and Folklore at Beijing Normal University. He is currently serving as a Vice President of the Chinese Folklore Society. His research interests include historical folklore, folk culture history, seasonal festivals, and ritual folklore.

Huo Wen is a Ph.D. student of the Faculty of Folklore, School of Sociology, Beijing Normal University. She received M.A. in Fine Arts.

Xu Qian is a Ph.D. student of Faculty of Folklore, School of Sociology, Beijing Normal University. She received M.A. in Folklore.