Project Description
Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in Asia-Pacific to Promote Transformative Education
14:00 – 15:15 Bangkok time (GMT +7), 25 March 2022, Friday

On the occasion of the upcoming Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) 2022, ICHCAP together with UNESCO Bangkok, APCEIU, with support provided by the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea, will co-organize a side event: ‘Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in Asia-Pacific to Promote Transformative Education’.
The UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) refers to the ‘transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education’ as part of the proposed ICH safeguarding measures, as well as the Convention calls on States Parties to ‘ensure recognition of, respect for, and enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage in society’ through education programmes.
The inclusion of safeguarding and transmission of intangible cultural heritage in the UNESCO 2003 Convention together with UNESCO’s commitment to SDG 4 and its targets and indicators reflects a growing understanding of the role of culture as an enabler of sustainable development.
This event aims to:
- Raise awareness about the approach to integrate living heritage in formal education to promote transformative education and safeguard cultural heritage;
- Showcase a diverse range of voices from stakeholders who have implemented this approach;
- Present the achievements from ongoing UNESCO-ICHCAP-APCEIU initiative to promote the teaching and learning in schools.
During the side event, UNESCO invites and brings together educators, culture experts, school managers, policy makers and relevant stakeholders from six pilot countries (Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Republic of Korea and Thailand) to talk about their successful experiences in integrating intangible cultural and living heritage in schools in Asia-Pacific. Key resources and guidance for education managers, teachers and others interested in education and culture will be introduced, thus raising awareness among educators, policy makers and relevant stakeholders in Asia-Pacific on why and how to integrate intangible cultural heritage in teaching and learning in schools throughout the region.
Upon the completion of this event, participants will possess a better understanding of the importance and benefits of adopting the transformative approach of integrating living heritage in formal and non-formal education; how it can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; and what actions they can take to promote this approach in their countries.
Whoever you may be — policymaker, school director, teacher, student, parent, heritage practitioner — you have a vital role to play in this process. Join our event to learn more!
Provisional Agenda
14.00 – 14.05 | Screening of the Animation Series: “Teaching and Learning with Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia and the Pacific” MC: Ms. Min Jung Kim, Programme Specialist, ICHCAP |
14.05 – 14.10 | Opening Remarks Ji-Sung Kim, Director-General of ICHCAP |
14.10 – 14.20 | Keynote presentation on the achievements and lessons learnt from the regional initiative “Integrating Intangible Cultural Heritage in Formal Education in Asia-Pacific” (2019-2022) Presented by Ms. Duong Bich Hanh, Chief of Culture Unit and Programme Specialist, UNESCO Bangkok |
14.20 – 15.10 | Panel Discussion
Moderated by Ms. Hangying Li, Consultant, UNESCO Bangkok |
15:10 – 15:15 | Introduction to the UNESCO MOOC on Living Heritage and Sustainable Development Presented by Ms. Maite Zeisser, Associate Project Officer, UNESCO Paris HQs and Ms. Shannon Kobran, Lead of Kuala Lumpur Office, SDG Academy |
15.15 | Closing by MC |
Registration Link
Bringing living heritage to school will enhance education quality, enliven the experiences of students and teachers, and contribute to keeping this heritage alive for current and future generations. This event brings together educators, culture experts, school managers, policy makers and relevant stakeholders to talk about the successful experiences on integrating living heritage in schools in Asia-Pacific. Key resources and guidance for education managers, teachers and other people interested in education and culture will be introduced.
Whoever you are — policy maker, school director, teacher, student, parent, heritage practitioner — you have a vital role to play in this process. Join our event to learn more!
Date and Time :
March 25, 2022 (Fri), 14:00-15:15 (ICT)