Project Description
2020 Expert Meeting
for Building Network on Maritime ICH

Maritime Living Heritage – Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in the Asia-Pacific Region
Date: 2020. 10. 29. (Thu) – 2020. 10. 30. (Fri)
Time: 11:00 ~ 13:00 Korean Standard Time (KST)
The webinar is divided into two sessions, in which scholars, relevant NGOs, and practitioners of maritime ICH are invited to present cases and studies on the state of maritime ICH in the region, as well as relevant safeguarding activities.
On the first day of the webinar, we will focus on traditional maritime skills and knowledge for inclusive social and economic development. On the second day, we will examine how living heritage is used to enhance environmental sustainability and to achieve resilience.
Keynote Speech: Maritime Living Heritage – Building Sustainable Livelihood and Ecosystems in the Asia-Pacific Region (Athena Trakadas)
[2020 ICH Webinar Series on Maritime ICH] Day 1: Traditional Maritime Skills and Knowledge for Inclusive Social and Economic Development
2. Special Presentation: Evidence from the Social Economic Impact Acessment of COVID-19 in the Pacific: The Contribution of ICH in human-centered development (Ellen Lekka)
[2020 ICH Webinar Series on Maritime ICH] Day 2: Traditional Maritime Skills and Knowledge for Environmental Sustainablity and Resilience